National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (2021) Facts and figures at a glance
- road traffic accident 40%
- falls 30%
- sports 10%
Chen et al Arch Phys Med Rehab 2016
- 80% male
- cervical (60%), thoracic (30%), lumbar (10%)
Transient disturbance of spinal cord function
- +/- vertebral column injury
- no pathological changes in spinal cord
Rapid change in velocity following trauma
- football / ice hockey
Congenitally narrow spinal cord
Radius rotates externally in relation to the ulna
- posterior displacement of the radial head relative to the capitellum
- in flexion
Return to Sport
Shelbourne et al. Am J Sports Med 1999
- 133 patients with isolated PCL injuries followed for mean of 5 years
- 1/2 returned to sport at same level of play
- 1/3 returned to sport at lower level of play
Agolley et al. Bone Joint J 2017
Pigmented Villo-Nodular Synovitis
- benign inflammatory process that arises in synovial tissues
- contains significant amounts of hemosiderin
Age: 20 - 50
Sex: M > F
A. Diffuse
- throughout joint synovium
- more difficult to treat / excise fully
CP is a permanent disorder of movement and posture
- non-progressive
- brain injury before the age of two years
Strict definition excludes familial & progressive congenital problems & those acquired in childhood as a result of head injuries
2-3 per 1000 live births
Higher in
Self limiting syndrome of unknown aetiology
- hip pain associated with osteoporosis of proximal femur
- AVN of the hip in pregnancy is rare but possible
- TOH tends to be diffuse on MRI, while AVN is localised
- extends to neck and metaphysis
- transient osteoporosis has normal bone scan
- M: F 3:1
Non-traumatic or traumatic condition of femoral head with bone death
20 - 50 yo (average 38)
- M: F 4:1
70-80% with AVN will progress within 1 year
Largely related to degree of displacement
Hawkins Type I
- 0% to 13%
Hawkins Type II
- 20% to 50%
- usually only patchy and not a problem (rarely collapses)