Pantalar and Hindfoot Arthrodesis



Pantalar Fusion APPantalar Fusion Lateral




Rheumatoid arthritis

Combined ankle and subtalar joint osteoarthritis

Talar AVN


Severe Deformity - acquired flat foot / neurological conditions / Charcot /

Ankle fracture in elderly patient with poor skin and co-morbities



Rheumatoid arthritis 



Severe acquired planovalgus


Talar AVNPantalar fusionPantalar fusion

Talar AVN



Fragility fractures




Lateral approach

- incision fibular to 4th metatarsal

- fibular osteotomy to expose ankle joint

- lift peroneal tendons anteriorly / elevate EDB / divide interosseous ligament to expose subtalar joint

- with severe deformity may need to expose and reduce TNJ and CCJ

- debride joint surfaces / reduce / K wire

- ankle joint: neutral varus/valgus, neutral dorsiflexion, ER 10o

- subtalar joint:  5o valgus (5 deg combined hindfoot valgus)


Tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) / hindfoot nail


Smith & Nephew Hindfoot nailSynthes HIndfoot Nail


Smith&Nephew Trigen Hindfoot Nail PDF


Smith&Nephew Panta2 TTC Arthrodesis nail PDF


Synthes Expert Hindfoot Arthrodesis nail PDF


Insertion point

- in line with 2nd metatarsal / center of heel pad

- junction of posterior 2/3 and anterior 1/3 heel

- should pass through anterior aspect posterior subtalar joint

- posterior to lateral plantar artery and nerve


Screw fixation

- distal screw fixation in calcaneum +/- talus with jig

- compression

- proximal screws medial to lateral