

Pes Cavus Post OpCalc


Operative management




Difficulty with footwear


Lateral instability 




Progressive deformity

Treatable spinal pathology i.e. syringomyelia




Stage 1 - flexible 1st metatarsal plantaflexion / shoe modification



Stage 2

Fixed first metatarsal / cavus

Flexible hindfoot varus

Stage 3

Fixed first metatarsal / cavus

Fixed hindfoot varus

Stage 4

OA / bony deformity

Forefoot cavus


Steindler plantar fascia release

1st metatarsal osteotomy

Claw toe surgery



Steindler plantar fascia release

1st metatarsal osteotomy

Claw toe surgery


Triple arthrodesis

Tarsal osteotomy

HIndfoot varus

T posterior transfer - weak dorsiflexion

P longus to P brevis transfer - weak eversion


Calcaneal osteotomy








Best to perform joint preserving surgery in young patients if possible


Tejero et al Int Orthop 2021

- 52 feet with CMT and cavovarus deformity

- compared joint preserving and joint sacrificing surgery

- joint preserving better functional outcomes and fewer complications


Stage 2: Fixed cavus with flexible hindfoot varus


Steindler Plantar Fascia Release


Open Technique


Vumedi open plantar release video


Longitudinal medial incision

- 2-3 cm at plantar aspect of calcaneal insertion

- open medial fascia

- reflect abductor hallucis dorsally

- separate above and below fascia

- release plantar fascia at insertion of calcaneum

- lateral plantar nerve is at lateral edge of fascia


Arthroscopic technique


Arthrex endoscopic plantar fascia release


First metatarsal extension osteotomy





- incomplete correction of first ray

- mature patient with closed physis




Dorsal closing wedge osteotomy

- base of metatarsal

- leave plantar surface intact

- 3-4 mm wedge


Tibialis Posterior transfer and medial soft tissue release




Weak dorsiflexion / dropfoot




Vumedi tibialis poterior tendon transfer


Dorsomedial incision

- release T posterior from insertion on navicular


Medial soft tissue release

- release talonavicular joint and spring ligament


Proximal medial calf incision

- retrieve T posterior tendon

- pass anteriorly through interosseous membrane


Dorsolateral / Dorsomedial incision

- tunnel T posterior tendon under skin

- pulvetaft to T anterior +/- P brevis (split T posterior transfer)




Dreher et al JBJS Am 2014

- tibialis posterior transfer for dropfoot in 23 feet with CMT

- results in active dorsiflexion


P longus to P brevis transfer 




Weak eversion




Vumedi P long to brevis transfer technique


Lateral incision over peroneal sheath

- protect sural nerve

- P longus plantar, P brevis dorsal

- suture P longus to P brevis distally

- release P longus proximally and pulvetaft through P brevis


Great Toe Clawing


Hyperextension MTPJ / Flexion IPJ


Jones procedure

- IPJ fusion

- EHL tendon transfer


Vumedi Jones procedure video


Lesser Claw Toes 


Flexible Girdlestone FETT


Fixed Extensor Tenotomy / PIPJ fusion / MTPJ dorsal capsulotomy / Weil's osteotomy


+/- Tendo achilles lengthening +/- Lateral Ligament reconstruction




Leeuwesteijn et al Foot Ankle Surg 2010

- 33 patients with CMT, pes cavus, and flexible hindfoot varus

- treated with 1st metatarsal osteotomy / soft tissue release / tendon transfers

- recurrence of cavus in 2 patients - treated with triple arthrodesis


Ward et al JBJS Am 2008

- 41 feet with cavovarus feet and CMT

- metatarsal osteotomy, plantar fascia release, P longus transfer, Jones procedure, +/- T anterior transfer

- correction cavus well maintained

- most patients some recurrence hindfoot varus


Stage 3:  Fixed cavus + fixed hindfoot varus


Dwyer lateral closing wedge calcaneal osteotomy 




Fixed hindfoot varus 




Video Dwyer calcaneal osteotomy


Lateral approach

- posterior and inferior to peroneal tendons

- resect lateral wedge of bone

- reduce calcaneal ostoeotmy and fix with screws


Calcaneal lateral shift osteotomy


Calc osteoCalc osteo




Lateral approach

- curve just behind peroneals

- homann in front of tendoachilles

- homann under calcaneum


Oblique osteotomy behind posterior facet

- 45o

- open with lamina spreader

- split periosteum medially with osteotome

- avoid damage to medial structures

- transfer laterally 1 cm

- screw fixation


Stage 4:  Bony deformity / salvage


Triple Arthrodesis


Meary closing wedge tarsectomy




Fixed deformity, difficult cases




Simon et al Foot Ankle Surg 2019

- tarsectomy / calcaneal osteotomy / metatarsal osteotomy in 26 feet

- good results 58%

- fair results 23%

- poor results 19%