







70 swing phase

80o climb up stairs

90o climb down stairs + sit down in chair

100o low chair




Stiffness usually subsides at 6-8/52

- generally improves out to 3/12

- slow improvement for up to next 9/12


Preoperative flexion is predictive of outcome

- <75° preoperative gain average 16°

- 95o preoperative lose average 6°




1.  Post-op pain 


Number one cause

- Causes quads and HS guarding

- making passive flexion and extension difficult to perform

- need adequate analgesia

- CPM not shown to shorten hospital stay or increase ROM




Continuous epidural infusion best, but prohibits anticoagulation


Combination of

- regular paracetamol

- femoral nerve catheter

- PCA / slow release opiates (oxycontin)



- risk of renal impairment in elderly

- even COX 2


2.  Infection


Always consider with loss of ROM


3. Surgical Technique



- may indicate too little bone resection off Distal Femur


Lack of Flexion


1. Anterior tibial Slope / previous HTO

2. Tight PCL if CR

3. Use of oversized femoral component

- narrow flexion gap / overstuffs PFJ

4. Posterior osteophytes / tight posterior capsule


Poor Ligament Balancing 

- important cause

- result in flex and ext problems


Component Malrotation

- internal rotation of tibia / femoral component

- check with CT


PFJ dysfunction 



Non resurfacing and pain

Joint line elevation - patella baja


4.  Poor Patient Motivation


5.  Arthrofibrosis




A.  Exclude infection


B.  Aggressive physiotherapy and adequate analgesia





- ROM < 90o at 6/52

- doesn't work for FFD

- FFD will usually resolve with time



- epidural catheter

- aspirate for infection

- manipulate

- post operative epidural and CPM



- supracondylar fracture

- patella tendon avulsion

- quadriceps tendon tears

- hematoma formation

- wound dehiscence


Technique MUA

- don't lever down on tibia

- hold femur

- bounce tibia up and down

- passive rather than active MUA

- be patient



- variable in literature

- may be done up to 3/12


D.  Debridement


Open or Arthroscopic

- clear suprapatellar pouch / medial and lateral gutters


Judet quadricepsplasty

- above +

- release / removal of rectus femoris

- mobilisation of quadriceps from femur


E.  Revision


If mechanical problem with implant

- debride all scar tissue

- PS implant

- consider full revision if component malrotation

- resurface patella