

Microfracture Awl HolesChondral Defect Post MosaicplastyAMICOCA




Marrow stimulation - microfracture / microdrilling


Cartilage restoration

- Matrix autologous cartilage implantation (MACI)

- Autologous membrane induced chondrogenesis (AMIC)

- Autologous minced cartilage implantation (AutoCart)

- Allogenic minced juvenile cartilage implantation (DeNovo)

- Osteochondral autograft (Mosaicplasty / OAT)

- Osteochondral allograft (OCA)





- has traditionally been the gold standard but

- best for smaller lesions < 2 cm2

- not indicated for osteochondral lesions

- not as effective in the patellofemoral joint

- results tend to deteriorate over time


Cartilage restoration procedures

- indicated for

- larger lesions / osteochondral lesions / failed microfracture / young patients / athletes

- it is not clear which is the best procedure

- depends on cost / availability




Long term function


Mithoefer et al AJSM 2009

- systematic review of microfracture

- improved knee function in 67 - 86% of patients at 6 - 7 years


Angele et al Cartilage 2022

- systematic review of 6 RCT with minimum 5 year follow up

- better long term outcomes with osteochondral autograft  / ACI than microfracture


Return to sport


Krych et al KSSTA 2017

- return to sport after surgical management cartilage lesions in knee

- microfracture 58%

- ACI 82%

- osteochondral allograft / OCA 88%

- osteochondral autograft / OAT 93%


Indications for surgery


Grade 3 or 4 ICRS lesions



Knee Osteotomy


Indicated for any malalignment depending on knee compartment affected


Dhillon et al Orthop J Sports Med 2023

- systematic review of cartilage repair +/- osteotomy of the knee

- 5 studies and 1700 patients

- improved outcomes and lower reoperation rates with osteotomy patients


PFJ chondral lesions




van Tuijn et al Cartilage 2023

- systematic review of microfracture

- worse outcomes in PFJ than in knee condyles


Hinckel et al AJSM 2020

- systematic review of PFJ cartilage lesions in 2000 patients

- clinical patient improvement of various restoration procedures

- MACI 83%

- OAT 78%

- OCA 71%

- AMIC 64%

- OCA had highest failure rate


Tibial tuberosity osteotomy (TTO)


Trinh et al Arthroscopy 2013

- systematic review of patients with PFJ chondral lesions

- compare isolated ACI versus combined ACI and TTO

- better outcomes with ACI / TTO


Marrow stimulation / Microfracture / Microdrilling


Microfracture Chondral Defect InitiallyMicrofracture Post PreparationMicrofracture Awl Holes




Pluripotent marrow cells produce fibrocartilage to varying degree

- low stiffness and poor wear characteristics over time

- may be more beneficial to combine with realignment procedure



- young patient < 40

- < 2 cm2

- chondral defect - not osteochondral defect

- contained defect - cartilage on each side of defect

- BMI < 30


Chondral Defet Uncontained

Uncontained lesion on intercondylar notch



- simple

- able to perform in setting of unexpected cartilage lesion i.e. ACL reconstruction



- produces fibrocartilage

- results tend to deteriorate over time



Fibrocartilage response to microfracture




Debride all unstable cartilage to stable edge

- removed calcified cartilage layer with curette, protect subchondral bone

- create a perpendicular edge which helps to hold the clot


Microfracture Currette BaseMicrofracture Arthroscopic Awl


Arthroscopic microfracture awl / 1.6 mm drill

- typically 3-4 mm apart

- depth until see fat globules


Microfracture Awl Holes Pre SuctionMicrofracture Awl Holes Bleeding

Post arthroscopic drilling with K wire




van Tuijn et al Cartilage 2023

- systematic review of microfracture

- worse outcomes with larger lesions / PFJ lesions / bipolar lesions

Kraeutler et al Orthop J Sports Med 2020

- systematic review of basic science studies

- microfracture versus microdrilling

- improved biology with microdrilling due to increased depth

- reduced damage to subchondral bone with microdrilling


Autologous Cartilage Implantation (ACI, MACI)






Transplant living viable cells

- capable of synthesizing and maintaining a cartilaginous matrix

- makes a substance physically and histologically similar to hyaline cartilage


First generation ACI - harvest periosteum to secure cells in place

Third generation M-ACI - cells presented on a matrix / membrane for implant



- 2 stage procedure

- significant costs




Vumedi MACI video


Harvest mature chondrocytes

- biopsy taken from non weight bearing area in notch or lateral edge of femoral cartilage

- cells isolated and washed

- expanded in cell culture

- attached to membrane

- process takes about six weeks



- medial or lateral parapatellar approach

- create sharp stable margins

- curette base

- control bleeding with adrenalin soaked gauze to avoid graft displacement

- size defect with foil - graft cannot be prominent or will displace with ROM

- secure with fibrin glue / Tisseal

- ensure graft stability with knee range of motion




Dhillon et al Arthroscopy 2022

- systematic review of MACI v microfracture

- five level I and 1 level II studies

- 500 patients

- lower failure rate and better outcomes with MACI


Brittberg et al AJSM 2018

- 5 year follow up of RCT of MACI v microfracture

- better outcomes with MACI at 5 years


Ebert et al AJSM 2024

- 10 year follow up of MACI

- 11% failure

- better outcomes with tibiofemoral graft than patellofemoral


Autologous Membrane Induced Chondrogenesis (AMIC)




Addition of a Type I/III collagen membrane to microfracture








Surgical technique video


Medial or lateral parapatellar approach

- create sharp stable margins

- curette base / microdrill

- control bleeding with adrenalin soaked gauze to avoid graft displacement

- size defect with foil - graft cannot be prominent or will displace with ROM



- porcine collagen

- bilayer collagen I/III membrane

- secure with fibrin glue / Tisseel

- ensure graft stability with knee range of motion






Volz et al Eur J Orthop Surg 2024

- 10 year follow up of RCT AMIC v microfracture

- results of microfracture deteriorated

- results of AMIC stable


Autologous Minced Cartilage Implantation (AutoCart)




Mechanical fragmentation of viable cartilage

- chondrocyte proliferation

- regeneration of hyaline cartilage




Vumedi autologous minced cartilage implantation video


Vumedi autologous minced cartilage video


Obtain cartilage from edge of lesion or non weight bearing areas

- intercondylar notch / periphery femoral trochlea

- can also use loose bodies / OCD lesions

- cut sharply with scapel to minimize bone death

- particles < 1 mm / have a paste like appearance

- secure with fibrin glue / Tisseel or membrane patch / Chondrogide




Cole et al AJSM 2011

- RCT of microfracture versus autologous minced cartilage

- 29 patients

- better outcome with autologous minced cartilage at 2 years


Allograft minced juvenile cartilage implantation (DeNovo)




Donor articular cartilage from patients < 13 years

- juvenile cartilage

- may have more favorable regenerative characteristics




Denovo surgical technique PDF


Vumedi Denovo surgical video




Osteochondral autograft transplantation / mosaicplasty


Pre MosaicplastyChondral Defect Post Mosaicplasty


Chondral DefectDefect debridedHarvestMosaicplasty




Autologous osteochondral bone plugs implanted in defect

- taken from low weight bearing areas of the knee

- can be associated with donor site morbidity




Vumedi mosaicplasty video


Debride all tissue from defect

- obtain osteochondral plugs 4.5 mm

- periphery of femoral trochlea / notch

- create cylindrical holes with drill

- insert osteochondral plug

- small gaps between plugs

- ensure slightly recessed




Pareek et al Arthroscopy 2016

- systematic review of 6 studies comparing microfracture and osteochondral autograft

- better outcome scores and lower failure rates with osteochondral autograft and lesions > 3 cm2


Hangody et al Am J Sports Med 2010

- 354 patients followed up for average 9 years

- good results in 91% femur / 86% tibia / 74% PFJ lesions

- 5% of patients had PFJ pain from donor site


Gudas et al Arthroscopy 2005

- RCT of OATS v microfracture of 60 young athletes

- 93% OATS and 50% microfracture returned to sport

- results maintained in 10 year follow up study


Osteochondral allograft


Osteochondral Allograft PreOsteochondral AllograftOsteochondral Allograft Post





- very large, non contained defects

- previous failed cartilage procedures



- restore anatomic contour

- nil donor site morbidity

- viable chondrocytes on fresh allograft < 30 days


Osteochondral Allograft PrePost Osteochondral Allograft

Pre and post OCA with HTO




ACT Allograft Technique PDF


ConMed ACT Allograft technique video


Vumedi surgical technique video


Use CT to get appropriate size graft

Match curvature of radius of donor site

Press fit








Wang et al Orthop J Sports Med 2023

- systematic review of OCA in 6000 patients

- mean lesion size 5 cm2

- failure rate 19%

- 83% satisfactory outcome

- survival rates at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years were 94%, 87.9%, 80%, 73%, 55%, and 59.4%


Other options


Knee Hemicap AP Post OCDKnee Hemicap Lateral
