

ICRS Grade 3 Chondral LesionCartilage imageOC defect


Anatomy / Biochemistry


Constituents of cartilage


Extracellular matrix (proteogylcans + collagen + water) + chondrocytes


Type II Collagen Proteoglycans Water Chondrocytes

Triple helix


Glucosaminoglycans (GAG)

Keratan sulphate

Chondroitin sulphate

Attracted to GAG Live in low oxygen, avascular environment

Tensile strength

Mechanical integrity

Negative charge has high affinity for water Resistant to compressive loads Make collagen and GAG


Structure of cartilage



Superficial zone Middle / transitional Deep zone Calcified Zone / tidemark

Thin layer

10 - 20% thickness

40 - 60% 30% Secures cartilage to bone
Collagen fibers tightly packed and arranged in parallel


Thick collagen fibrils

Highest proteoglycan content

Largest collagen fibrils

Collagen arranged perpendicular

Anchors collagen to subchondral bone
High number of chondrocytes Much fewer chondrocytes Chondrocytes arranged in columns  

Protective layer

Provides tensile resistance

Resistance to compressive forces Greatest resistance to compressive forces  




Inability to heal due to avascular nature and no pluripotent cells




Chondral defects - trauma

Osteochondral defects - OCD, patella dislocations


ICRS Grade 4 Chondral LesionCartilage image

Chondral defect


Knee OCD Arthroscopy Type 4OC defect

Osteochondral defect




Chondral Defect Full ThicknessChondral defectMFC chondral

Chondral defect


MFC chondralChondral defect


Osteochondral defectOsteochondral defectOsteochondral defect

Osteochondral defect


OC defectOC defect

Osteochondral defect




OC defectOC defect


CT osteochondral defect


Outerbridge Arthroscopy Classification


Grade 1:  Softening and swelling of the cartilage

Grade 2:  Partial thickness defect < 1.5 cm in diameter

Grade 3:  Fissuring to subchondral bone, > 1.5 cm in diameter

Grade 4:  Exposed subchondral bone


Issue - focus on size of cartilage lesion rather than depth


ICRS / International Cartilage Research Society Arthroscopy Classification



Grade I:   Nearly normal -  soft indentation / superficial fissures and cracks

Grade II:   Abnormal - cartilage lesions < 50% of cartilage depth

Grade III:  Severely abnormal - cartilage lesions > 50% of cartilage depth

Grade IV:  Severely abnormal - cartilage lesion down to subchondral bone


Dwyer et al Arthroscopy 2017

- inter-observer reliability 0.7

- intra-observer reliability 0.8

- correlation between arthroscopy and histological grading of depth 0.9


Normal Hyaline Cartilage

Grade 0 / normal


Grade 1 Cartilage LesionGrade 1 Chondral Lesion Femur

Grade I: soft cartilage, superficial fissures


Grade 2 Chondral Lesion

Grade II: cartilage lesion < 50%


ICRS Grade 3 Chondral LesionCartilage imageGrade 3 Chondral Injury

Grade III: cartilage lesion > 50%


ICRS Grade 4 Chondral LesionGrade IV cartilage

Grade IV: cartilage lesion down to subchondral bone




3 or 5mm graduated probe

- measure in 2 dimensions

- give a size in cm2

- assumes that lesions are basically rectangular

- tend to overestimate size arthroscopically


Cartilage sizingFailed OCDChondral defect sizing