

Garden 3




Fracture distal to articular surface & proximal to intertrochanteric region




On average 4 years younger than intertrochanteric fracture


One year mortality as high as 36%


Mechanism of Injury


1.  Direct blow greater trochanter

2.  Posterior cortex impingement on rim with external rotation

3.  Cyclical loading / insufficiency fracture

4.  Major trauma in young patient






Poor mobility / vision


Blood Supply


Blood supply femoral head


Medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries

- from profunda femoris

- extracapsular anastomosis at base of neck

- retinacular / ascending cervical branches


Majority via MCFA

- almost none to head via LCFA

- small amount via medial epiphyseal via ligamentum teres



- superolateral head supply

- medial aspect of profunda

- between iliopsoas laterally and pectineus medially

- runs along inferior border of obturator externus, deep to quadratus femoris

- emerges at superior aspect quadratus femoris

- runs anterior to conjoint tendon then penetrates capsule

- along posterior intertrochanteric crest extracapsular

- runs along supero-lateral aspect of neck as lateral epiphyseal artery complex



- anterior-inferior head supply

- arises lateral aspect of profunda

- transverse branch runs under sartorius and rectus over vas lateralis to supply proximal femur


Garden's Classification




Garden Description Displacement


Valgus impacted

Lateral cortex fractured

Medial cortex intact

II Complete Undisplaced

Complete fracture

Partial displacement

Trabeculae don't line up with acetabulum


Complete fracture

Complete displacement

Trabeculae line up with acetabulum



Type I: Incomplete,  valgus impacted fracture


Subcapital NOF Garden 1 XraySubcapital NOF Garden 1 CT


Type II: Complete fracture, undisplaced


Garden 2Garden 2


Type III: Complete fracture, partial displaced, trabeculae don't line up with acetabulum


Subcapital NOF Garden 3Type III garden


Type IV: Complete fracture, completely displaced, trabeculae line up with acetabulum


Subcapital Fracture Garden 4


Masionis et al Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2019

- inter-observer reliability

- only fair agreement for AO and Garden classification

- best agreement with simple 2 stage classification (displaced versus undisplaced)


Pauwel's Classification


Based on vertical orientation of fracture line

- increased verticality / increased shear

- increased risk of noonunion / AVN




Type I:    < 30° from horizontal

Type II:   30 - 50° from horizontal

Type III:  > 50° from horizontal 


Subcapital Fracture Pauwels Type III

Pauwel's type III






Increased with

- displaced fractures

- younger age

- female


Loizou et al Injury 2009

- 1000 patients treated with fixation

- undisplaced: AVN 4%

- displaced: AVN 10%

- displaced: men 5%, women 11%

- displaced: < 60 20%, 60 - 80 13%, > 80 3%


Non union


Increased with

- displaced fractures

- varus fixation

- vertical fracture configuration (Pauwel's type III)




Rogmark et al JBJS Am 2002

- multicenter RCT patients

- 409 patients > 70 years with displaced fracture

- fixation versus HA

- ORIF 43% failure

- hemiarthroplasty 6% failure




Xu et al J Orthop Surg Res 2017

- systematic review of 29 studies and 5000 patients with undisplaced fractures

- nonsurgical: union rate 70%

- fixation: union rate 93%


Clinical presentation



Short & externally rotated leg






Welford et al Bone Joint J 2021

- systematic review of 46 studies and 500,000 hip fractures

- surgery < 24 hours reduces mortality


Leer-Salveson et al Bone Joint J 2019

- Norwegian registry of 80,000 hip fractures

- no change in mortality (3 day, 1 year) if surgery < 48 hours




Griffiths et al Anaesthesia 2021

- PDF for guidelines for the management of hip fractures



- consent

- do not resuscitate

- preoperative hemoglobin

- anti-platelet / anticoagulation

- GA versus spinal


Surgical options



- completely undisplaced

- young patient with displaced fracture


Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA)/ Hemiarthroplasty (HA)

- displaced

- undisplaced in elderly





- HA versus THA



- should even undisplaced in elderly be treated with HA / THA rather than fixation?


Age of patient

- if young then attempt at open reduction / fixation likely indicated




Fixation versus arthroplasty


Ramadanov et al J Orthop Surg Res 2023

- systematic review and meta-analysis

- both displaced and non displaced fractures

- 33 RCTs with 5700 patients

- THA and HA had the best functional outcome

- cannulated screws and DHS had highest reoperation rates


Dolatowski et al JBJS Am 2019

- RCT of screw versus HA in elderly patients with undisplaced subcapital fractures

- 229 patients

- no difference in outcome scores at 2 years

- increased mobility with HA

- increased reoperation with screws (20% versus 5%)