Fragility fracture







Poor bone

Poor skin

Poor wound healing

Poor union rates







- poor bone stock

- wound issues

- delayed weight bearing


Fibular nail


Hindfoot nail

- early weight bearing

- minimally invasive

- violates subtalar and ankle joint


External fixation






Aigner et al Foot Ankle Int 2017

- 237 ankle fractures > 65 years treated with ORIF

- complication rate 29%

- most common wound healing and wound infection


Fibular nail


White et al Bone Joint J 2016

- RCT 100 patients over 65 fibular nail versus plate

- significantly fewer wound complications with nail

- no difference in outcome


Hindfoot nail


Elmajee et al J Orthop 2020

- systematic review of hindfoot nail for fragility fractures

- union 90 - 100%

- allowed early rehabilitation and restoration of function


Georgiannos et al Injury 2017

- RCT of ORIF v hindfoot nail for fragility fractures in 87 patients

- lower rate of complications with nail (8% v 33%)

- shorter hospital stay with nail

- no difference in outcome


External fixation


Hennings et al Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol 2021

- 16 patients mean age 74 treated with triangular external fixation

- patients did better with addition of some percutaneous screws


Hindfoot nail




Fragility fracture / osteoporosis

Compound wound

Poor skin

Co-morbidities - diabetes, smoking






Hindfoot nailSmith & Nephew Hindfoot nailSynthes HIndfoot Nail


Smith&Nephew Trigen Hindfoot Nail PDF


Smith&Nephew Panta2 TTC Arthrodesis nail PDF


Synthes Expert Hindfoot Arthrodesis nail PDF


Insertion point

- in line with 2nd metatarsal / center of heel pad

- junction of posterior 2/3 and anterior 1/3 heel

- should pass through anterior aspect posterior subtalar joint

- posterior to lateral plantar artery and nerve


Screw fixation

- distal screw fixation in calcaneum +/- talus with jig

- compression

- proximal screws medial to lateral


Fibular nail


fib nailFibular nailfib nailfib nail




Arthrex fibular nail PDF