Fibular fractures


Isolated Weber B Fibular Fracture




Defined by presence / absence of deltoid ligament injury


85% deltoid ligament intact


Deltoid ligament injury


Examination Xray Stress xray
Tender / bruising medially Increased medial clear space

 Gravity Stress View

- patient lies injured side down with cross table xray

- increased medial clear space


Lead gloves / valgus stress / painful

Medial bruising Ankle Fracture Weber B + Deltoid Ligament Weber B

Weber B / intact deltoid ligament


Weber BWeber B




Weber B / torn deltoid ligament


Bimalleolar equivalent


Weber BWeber B



- ORIF fibular

- ensure medial joint space fully reduced

- may need to open medial joint / removed osteochondral fragments / deltoid ligament


Ankle Fracture Fibula ORIF Increased Medial Clear Space


Weber C fracture


Weber CWeber C




Syndesmosis disrupted




Ankle Weber C Syndesmotic InjuryAnkle Weber C Syndesmotic Screw

Weber C + syndesmotic injury: ORIF + syndesmosis stabilization


Ankle Fracture Maisonnerve InjuryAnkle Fracture Maisonnerve Proximal Fibula

Maisonneuve injury: proximal fibula with open medial clear space


Intraoperative tests


Cotton test

Stress test


Reduction technique

- foot in neutral, clamp across medial and lateral malleolus

- don't reduce in plantarflexion as posterior talus is more narrow

- don't over reduce the joint

- check symmetrical joint space on mortise view




Screw fixation Suture button

One or two screws

3 or 4 cortices

? remove

One or two


Ankle Broken Diastasis Screws